Best summer swim meet timing systems: 3 options

swimmers diving in for their first swim meet on the summer swim team

A timing system is the backbone for any swim meet so it’s important you get the right one. Some timing systems are jam-packed with features and are a breeze to use but may be out of the price range of most summer swim teams. Here are three of the best summer swim meet timing systems for summer swim teams.

What swim teams should consider in a timing system

Features: At its core, a swim meet timing system needs to do just that–get swimmers’ times. Some teams can benefit from timing systems that will get splits, identify best times, allow other teams to import entries, and even provide an interface for coaches to organize a meet.

Ease of use: Coaches and scorekeepers will interact with the organization features the most. Figure out who exactly will use it most and what exactly they are looking to get out of the timing system.

Price: Every team would love to use a software with lots of features, but these features usually come with a hefty penny.

Volunteer/parent use: A timing system that doesn’t confuse parents or have many intricate details is always best. When parents and volunteers are happy, the swimmers will have a much better meet experience.

The old fashioned way

Sometimes the best solution is the simplest solution. Many summer swim leagues successfully run their meets using pen and paper–it’s a tried and true method. This way usually takes more time before, during, and after the meet, but its free and causes very little confusion for volunteers. Timers simply take their clipboard with all their time cards, as well as a stopwatch, and go after it!

For some teams, the old fashioned way is really the best summer swim meet timing system because it’s free, is tried and true, and doesn’t confuse any volunteers. There’s nothing wrong about a timing system that just works! That’s why so many summer swim teams still run meets the old fashioned way.

We’ve developed a software that helps coaches get their swimmers placed in events, then generates heat sheets and time cards for each event. Click the button below to see the program or download the FREE time card template!

Lane Timer App

What better way to make a meet run more smoothly than by not using paper at all? The Lane Timer app allows volunteer timers to download an app on their phone, which acts as a synchronize stopwatch. Each watch starts automatically by the starter and sends the times and places to the scorekeeper. There are no complex features, just a simple app interface that works on all different devices.

Best of all, it’s free.

The simplicity of the lane timer app and it’s price makes it one of the best summer swim meet timing systems out on the market to date.

All-in-one software

All-in-one software do just that–all-in-one. From signing up to requesting events to seeing results, these programs do it all. Some come with their own, custom timing app, some with the ability to allow visiting teams to submit entries, while some even allow swimmers to track their time progression over the season. These solutions really do it all.

They’re just pretty expensive. From team fees to per-swimmer fees, the cost to use these systems really starts to add up. And rightfully so. These features really do save coaches time and provide a much better meet experience for swimmers and volunteers. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes out of the picture for summer swim teams operating on a budget.

If you have ~$20 per swimmer you’re willing to spend, I would take a look at Swimmingly. Their custom timing app places them far above any competitors and really does make them the best summer swim meet timing system on the market.

So…what’s the best summer swim meet timing system?

As my negotiation professor in college would say: it depends.

Figure out what your budget is, how well your current timing system works for your summer swim team, and see what your volunteers actually want before making a decision. Sometimes upgrading isn’t always in your team’s best interest, but it sure can make a heck of a difference.

If you’re interested in using your tried and true method, take a look at our summer swim team meet manager program. It’s saved us dozens of hours over the course of the season and can do the same for your team. Or you can download our FREE time card template to use on your own.