Swim Meet Guide

Learn about the Forest Hills Tidal Waves meets using the buttons below:

Meet overview

What are swim meets?

Swim meets are the competitive portion of being on a swim team. Each swimmer who signs up for the meet will be placed in up to four events in which they race other swimmers. During meets, swimmers only compete with swimmers in their specific age group so good competition is expected. Although not required, we highly encourage you to participate in them because they are free and the best way to see improvements!

Swim meets allow parents and coaches to see how swimmers are progressing, what they can work on, and to have some fun racing.

Swim meets are typically between 2 and 2.5 hours long, depending on the size of the teams who compete. Tuesday and Thursday meets do not begin before 6:00pm and Saturday meets typically finish before 12:00pm.

How do FHTW meets run?

About a day before each meet, you will receive an email and text with a code to sign your child up (see "sign up process" below for more information).

Once signed up, swimmers arrive for warm ups about 30 minutes before the meet starts. Before getting in the water, swimmers will look at the posted events to learn what races they will be swimming and which lanes they will be in. Coaches will help make sure everyone is in the right spot before their races.

Swimmers who win their race sometimes receive heat winner prizes when they get out. The following days, swimmers will also receive ribbons based on their overall placing in the meet.


Sign up process

1. Email & Text

About a day before each meet, all swim team parents will receive an email and text with the sign up link. Your email will contain warm up times, addresses, and additional information about the meet (see example below).

The text will contain just the sign up form and basic information due to limits on how long the text can be.

 2. Enter your Code

Click the "Meet Registration" button to be taken to the sign up form. Enter your code from your email in the first box.

Below, you will see a form with two sections: one to select your swimmer if they will attend the meet and one section if your swimmer will not attend the meet. Select your swimmers in the appropriate section. Only swimmers who match your code will be processed so ensure your code is correct!

3. Watch for Reminders

You will continue to receive reminders until we have your response. Please fill out the form with a "no" if you will not attend. This helps the coaches know you received the email and really will not be at the meet.

If you receive a reminder text or email, please fill out the form again. Something must have gone wrong with your code.

Meet Email
Meet Email

Meet Tips